Sunday, February 25, 2007

Your Own Desitny

Ralph Marston has a terrific website, "The Daily Motivator," which can be found at Here, Marston delivers short, cogent, and wise "sermonettes" aimed to motivate one to make the very best of the one life we all have. I almost invariably find his words to be insightful and empowering. A website well worth checking out. Here is his posting for today:

"You have the power to control your own destiny. You may not feel at all comfortable with that, or want to own up to the responsibility it implies, yet it is true nonetheless.

"You may complain that there are so many powerful and overwhelming outside forces acting upon you that nothing you do will matter. Yet everything you do matters to the highest degree in creating your own destiny.

"It may seem that fate has dealt you a certain hand, and that there is no way for you to change that fate. You can, however, change everything about your own perspective and the way you respond.

"For your destiny is not about what comes to you. It is about who you choose to become.

"Your destiny is not really about what happens to you. It is built and fulfilled by the things that you cause to happen, by what you do with the precious life you have.

"It happens in every moment, with every choice, with every thought and every action. Always, you are creating your own unique destiny."

Not bad, hmmm? I believe he posts a new message six days a week. And he has an extensive archive where you can read scores of older "pep talks." May you find something there that will assist you in taking your next step forward!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, inspiring, thought provoking ideas. Very good stuff!!