Sunday, March 4, 2007

Overcoming Procrastination

I have a major problem with procrastination. I am always putting off the unpleasant tasks that I need to do. This habit goes a long way towards making my life a shambles, and I have simply been unable to turn this habit around. But there is hope! I recently read a fantastic article which explores the root causes of procrastination and gives several practical tools to overcome it. Within minutes of finishing the article, I tackled a project that I had been putting off for months. Surprisingly, it took me all of twenty minutes to finish it!

I found the article at a website which I have been visiting for awhile for its wealth of fine articles, all offered for free! According to the website's author, Steve Pavlina: "This site will help you learn to live more consciously, to summon the courage to face the unfaceable parts of your life, and to solve the deep problems you've not yet been able to solve. You'll learn practical ideas to make important changes in your life, both big and small, so you can get your life on track and start living up to your potential."

So, if procrastination is giving you a hard time, you may want to check out this article. It's a little early to judge, but so far, it seems to be helping me. You can find the article on Overcoming Procrastination, as well as many others, at


mshea49 said...

This reminds me of my wife. She keeps putting off things she doesn't like to do and then has anxiety over putting them off and still having to do them. I keep telling her, just do it and get it over with and you no longer have to stress about it.

Anonymous said...

Isn't just beautiful to find the message one needs just when it is needed. And thank you for giving us the references to turn to. You seem to have a wealth of information. You must be an Aquarius!