Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Guy Finley is an author and spiritual teacher who is worth checking out. His website is He also offers free email mailings, which are often quite good. The following wise words of Mr. Finley showed up in my inbox just the other day:

"No fact is frightening unless it runs into conflict with what we want. When this happens, the fear is not in the event, but in us--who have decided that in order to feel secure, life must jump through our hoop. So, the fear we feel is in our hoop, not the fact that life may have jumped unexpectedly."

This is one of the best things I have ever read on fear. The problem is not out there in the "fearful" condition, but in ourselves, in our attachment to some desire. Armed with this insight, the next time fear raises its scary head, maybe the shaking in my boots won't be quite so pronounced. Hope so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've had this same lightbulb moment myself within only the last couple of months, don't know what took so long. Better late than never, I suppose. Over the last two years or so life has certainly made some unexpected jumps, that's for sure! Scary, at first, and outside of my hoop without a doubt. Then suddenly it hit me, that it was really time for me to ditch my hoop anyway, and the Universe was forcing me to let it go. Awesome it was and there is no fear now, only anticipation.